The show takes a bizarre Korean cartoon and revoices it with the mad glee of Ed Skudder and Zack Keller. So whatever the hell it was before, now it’s really strange.
After gaining the blessing of Aachi & Ssipak‘s Korean distributor, Skudder and Keller dubbed over the film and added a throbbing EDM soundtrack courtesy of Mad Decent
After a festival run and a few more intervening years, the film is finally coming to North America, "reconfigured" by Dick Figures creators Ed Skudder & Zack Keller
Cinedigm releases Mondo Media’s English dub of the bizarre animated Korean comedy Aachi & Ssipak, which has been rewritten and re-voiced by Dick Figures creators Ed Skudder and Zack Keller
Mondo Media will be relaunching the 2006 Korean animated cult film Aachi & Ssipak! The digital launch (YouTube, iTunes and Google Play) is February 11. The DVD launch is March 11