time.com 04/15/2011

YouTube Sends Copyright Pirates Back To School

The school itself sounds kind of awesome: A video from Happy Tree Friends with an upbeat voiceover says things like "Here's an idea! Why don't you make your own video?"
wired.com 03/22/2011

Baman Piderman – Dis Is Season 2 Opener

Alex and Lindsay are committing to a new episode every month.
wired.com 02/22/2011

Baman and Piderman: They’re Best Fwends

Baman Piderman is a wonderfully surreal and hilarious take on a couple of well-known superheroes
aoltv.com 12/20/2009

The Twelve Days of Festivus: Four webby series

Baman Piderman is so weird you can watch an episode and have no idea what you just sat through
variety.com 03/05/2008

U.S. cartoon duo banned in Russia

Happy Tree Friends pulled after a government watchdog complained